9 Ways to Cross a Railway without Getting Hit by a Train
책(디지털 인쇄), 914.4 x 1828.8 mm, 1쪽
책(디지털 인쇄), 914.4 x 1828.8 mm, 1쪽
- Fred A. Hillbruner 아티스트 북 펠로우십, 2012.
- 제9회 ArtFutura 선외가작 및 파이널리스트, 2011.
- Adobe Design Achievement Awards 세미파이널리스트, 2011.
- 제9회 ArtFutura, 시카고, 미국, 2011.
- North Park Art Walk, 시카고, 미국, 2011.
출판: YoYo Magazine, Issue 2: At Zero, 2011.
2010년 9월에 인도의 한
서행 구역에서 과속화물 열차가 7마리의 코끼리를 치여 죽인 사고가
발생하였는데, 그 이후에 만들어진 코끼리를 위한 안내서이다. 사고를 기술한 Times of India
기사의 단어를 재배치하여 작성된 지침과 사고 간의 교차 서술을 삽입하며 만들었으며, 이를
통해 야생 동물 보호를 위한 탄원이 이루어진다.
This guidebook for elephants responds to a Times of India article describing an accident in India in which a speeding goods train mowed down 7 elephants at a go-slow zone in September 2010. The instructions are crafted from a careful rearrangement of the words from the article and is intended as advice for elephants who need to cross a train track. Threading the cross narratives between the event and the instructions, a plea for wildlife conservation is made.
This guidebook for elephants responds to a Times of India article describing an accident in India in which a speeding goods train mowed down 7 elephants at a go-slow zone in September 2010. The instructions are crafted from a careful rearrangement of the words from the article and is intended as advice for elephants who need to cross a train track. Threading the cross narratives between the event and the instructions, a plea for wildlife conservation is made.
Times of India article, which was used as the primary source, can be found here.