한국-러시아 수교 30주년 기념 로고
문화체육관광부에서 주최하는 한국-러시아 수교 30주년 기념사업을 위해 제작되었다. 라운델형 엠블렘 형식으로 양국의 대표 건축문화양식을 활용하여 30주년을 밝고 미래적인
우정의 축제로 담고자 하였고,
다양한 기념행사와 매체에 활용하기 위해 응용형들을 개발하였다.
This logo was designed to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Russia and used in the commemoration projects hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. In a roundel emblem format, the logo utilizes the representative architectures of the two countries(Gwanghwamun and Saint Basil’s Cathedral) and celebrates the 30 years of a long and close friendship. The applications were designed to be used in various commemorative events and media.
아트디렉션: 김경선
디자인: 남영욱
This logo was designed to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Russia and used in the commemoration projects hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. In a roundel emblem format, the logo utilizes the representative architectures of the two countries(Gwanghwamun and Saint Basil’s Cathedral) and celebrates the 30 years of a long and close friendship. The applications were designed to be used in various commemorative events and media.
아트디렉션: 김경선
디자인: 남영욱